Goal of the demonstration
With a large international anticapitalist demonstration we would like to offer the many people who are coming to the protests against the G20 summit to Hamburg a platform for our varied and fundamental criticism of the ruling circumstances on the eve of the direct actions against the infrastructure of the summit and the capital. When the most powerful government officials and the greatest war-drifters come to Hamburg St. Pauli, we will already be there: in our camps and centers, on the street, in the houses, in the neighborhood, and all the city. The left-radical pre-evening demo on Thursday shall be a first strong expression of our irreconcilable criticism.
After we built and settled our camps in the city in the days before, the summit of solidarity and the first gatherings and actions took place, we see the international anticapitalist demonstration as a prelude to the „hot phase“ of the direct actions and blockades against the G20 summit. We would like to use the demonstration to invite our international comrades and those who are still arriving to Hamburg to come to the city early and to make visible for the first time how many people oppose the Hamburg summit on the streets and see the enormous strength that we can develop together. It is also a matter of trying together at an early stage, of reevaluating our areas of movement and action, of reacting rebelliously and relentlessly to the repression that is taking place during the summit, whether it is in the form of precontrols, massive police presence or preventing demonstrations.
Preliminary checks? Not with us!
We are firmly assuming that the cops, as announced, will carry out so-called pre-controls during the summit and so also before our demo. This means that they will try to search your bags and you for „dangerous items“ as well as „protective clothing“. These include e.g. protectors, helmets, but also hose cloths, etc. This practice is so far not practiced in Hamburg and is intended to be an intimidation attempt and an authority demonstration. In other cities, this practice is already repressive normality. We do not want to accept such controls and we will resist them! So do not just walk in affinity groups during the demos and actions, but also go there in groups. Take the measures! The larger the groups, the more difficult the execution! We suspect that the controls will take place widely in the area around our showground. Thus, expect controls even if you arrive with the subway on the Reeperbahn etc. Be solid and do not be intimidated! Support people who are to be controlled and block control points!
Fulminant rally
For a great kick-off at the Fischmarkt St. Pauli from 4 pm, we invited numerous comrades and activists from all over the world to tell us about their local battles. On a large stage, different live bands will appear. The pre-demo rally is a fixed and important part of our demo. Here, we will convey our contents loudly and confidently, and hope to convince some who are perhaps still unsure about the demo to come to the Fischmarkt.
The Goldenen Zitronen, Neonschwarz, Johnny Mauser & Captain Gips will play live on the stage from 4 pm and accompany the prepared program with further surprises. On the edge of the rally, there will also be soli drinks and food. The concerts and contributions begin on time at 4 pm !
Activists from different countries are reporting of their struggles and self-organization, of state repression, of sexism and homophobia, of racism, of anti-semitism and of the old and new far-right movements. We are united in the struggle against capitalist conditions, which we no longer want to endure.
At 6:30 pm, the program will move to the loudspeaker and the demonstration will start in the Hafenstrasse at Park Fiction.
The demo
From 7 pm, the demonstration will start moving into Hafenstraße. We are striving for a large, loud, diverse and solidarity demonstration, which runs its planned route through St. Pauli. For a colorful expression, a large organized black bloc will attend, which will walk at the front of the demo. We will make our resistance visible in the city. On the demonstration there will be several blocs (including a FLTI * bloc) and several loudspeakers. We call for the creation of affinity groups for the demo and the coming days and to network and organize as well as possible with further groups and blocs. Especially for the front part of the demonstration we urge to go in chains. Our goal is to carry out our demonstration as planned. We want to walk with the demo, we want to be loud and angry. We wish the demo as a militant joint prelude to the days of resistance. We will not let us harass by the cops and want to find a collective approach to the harassment that they have for us. In this sense, we would also like to have a responsible attitude towards our formulated goal for the demo.
At this point we would also like to emphasize once more that we want to be in the streets with comrades at our side with a clear head and have no understanding for the consumption of alcohol and drugs at our rally and demonstration!
If the cops attack the demonstration or individuals, we will defend ourselves solidly and responsibly and try to continue the demonstration as long as it is reasonable.
In the event of an early demolition of the demonstration or the scenario that the police do not let us get out of the Hafenstrasse, we call for a massive flow into the streets and squares in the neighborhood!
Plan B – Reclaim St. Pauli
It would not be the first time that the police declared St. Pauli and the Schanzenviertel as occupied zone and prevented registered demonstrations. But we also remember vividly the powerful demos for the Lampedusa group or the effective and uncontrollable protests against the so called “danger area”. Whether wild demos, rallies or reclaim-the-streets-party – we take over the „blue zone“!
The demo should be a joint prelude for all of us, which will enable us to start the next few days. This moment of collective self-empowerment – within the exclusion scenario that the city and the cops have been trying to create for weeks – we also want to go in the case of Plan B. That is why we call to keep together in a case of the premature termination of our demo, to be spontaneous and unpredictable and to move in large groups, loud and visible. Because we take the street when, how and where we want!
For those who need a retreat in such a scenario to come down, discuss and orient themselves, we point out that there will be different information points throughout the city throughout the summit. But please respect that these points are not supposed to be places from which actions are started, as these should be safe retreats for people who need them.
Stalk in large groups or as a demo through the district and invite everyone to come along. On the eve of the blockades we explore St. Pauli with our friends from all over the world and show that we are there! We take the city back by being together on the road, unforgiving with the existing conditions and full of longing for a solidarity society. We can not be stopped, either by the shitty cops or by a „blue zone“ free of fundamental rights!